Hello and welcome to Scrappers with Crocs!

This is a blog for women who scrapbook and wear Crocs!
Y'all know at least one that does so... YOU!!!

Feel free to submit your layout or photo(s) on which you or your loved ones are wearing Crocs. You are the one that can embarras yourself overhere!!!

There are already a couple of them spotted, so I already put up their pics...

REMEMBER IT IS ALL JUST A JOKE... Should you feel offended, mail me and I will take off your picture... Or look at your Crocs and wonder what is more embarrasing...

My name is BubbaH! and my wife scraps... And she wears Crocs... And to make matters worse, she has both my sons wearing those things!!!

She also has a blog about Scrappers with clogs on, which means that those scrappers live in the Netherlands or have the Dutch nationality but live abroad. So I could not resist to make fun about that... (don't believe me, read my other blog) and not just the Dutch overhere... NO EVERYONE!!!

zaterdag 10 november 2007

Burn Croc Brun

The Crocs, The Crocs
The Crocs are on fire
We don't need no water
Let the Ugly Crocs burn
Burn Ugly Crocs

Have great weekend!


zondag 14 oktober 2007


My French is a bit rusty, but this layout does not leave much to our imagination... DELETE 2007 CROCS!!!

I do not wonder why Muriel wants to erase 2007 from her son's memory: CROCS

This kid is scared for live!

woensdag 10 oktober 2007


Every once in awhile they even get the husbands to wear them... Like I said: It Ain't A Pretty Sight!!!

Shame on you LIZZ!!


dinsdag 9 oktober 2007


Since no one volunteers, I picked one myself...

Drumroll!!! And the (un)lucky winner is...



vrijdag 5 oktober 2007


Like on my other blog I generally end the week (or start the weekend off) with a movie...

Have a nice weekend

donderdag 4 oktober 2007


What can you do when all you wanna do is doodle?

You doodle on your crocs... Like Rachael Scholz does!!!

dinsdag 2 oktober 2007


Some people even prefer Crocs to Cloths for their kids....

Here's Amy's Blog!


Ok, here is another reason to NOT WEAR CROC'S:

Do I Need to say more??? Check article!

maandag 1 oktober 2007

I will start off...

OK, to save y'all the embarrasment, I will start off with a pic of my wife and kids...

Feel free to comment, but like Tom Cruise says: "SHOW ME THE CROCS!!!
